Naturally my first thought was to forward it to my beloved MrBorg who has something of a thing for both Ms Day and Ms Hannigan-Denisof, geek girls with at times improbably red hair - see why hair-dye manufacturers make so much money in the Borg household? Anyway, how I chuckled (cackled he'd say) - the geek girls knit.
Here's what threw him most though - apparently I'm a more accomplished/experienced knitter than Ms Day. Watch the clip! At the time I sent him the link I was knitting 'something with a thumb', as well he knew. Since then I've progressed to socks and the sheer magic of turning a heel - I keep waving half-knitted socks in his face, saying 'Look! Look at that! Isn't it amazing? Look, it's turning..!' He just looks perplexed.
Knitting can be an odd mixture of old-fashioned crafting and modern tech-geekiness. The vast choice of needles, yarns.. and then there's notions. Just how many potentially useful things can I cram into a small Burt's Bees bag?
*And I'm not particularly geeky myself - I'm best described as geek-adjacent, which is how Wil Wheaton (an ubergeek) described his wife and I'm very grateful for the term!