Miss Mouse loves the Percy the Park-keeper books - and I approve because I love the illustrations. We got this one for £2 in a charity-shop, how lucky was that?
It's birthday month in our household - my Beloved's was yesterday, Star Wars Day, appropriately enough for a geek of his standing. The kids and I made cake:
Mmm, cake. My Beloved is not actually that bothered by cake though he'll no doubt have a slice or two, but it's the principle of the thing - and the fact that I like baking and the kids love helping. The weather has turned wet and cool here after something like a fortnight with no more than a shower which is very unusual here, and the Boy's school is shut as it's a Polling Place (Scottish Parliament elections today as well as the voting reform referendum) so the kids and I are having a lazy day in the house and the garden is enjoying a drink. The cats keep going in and out the kitchen door, convinced each time that the rain they see through the window must be in some way optional, and every time I open the door I get a whiff of green and fresh garden.
Awww, Percy, one of my faves, I love the pictures in that book , sort of get lost in the feel of them like all the best illustrations. Miss those storytimes now. X
They are beautiful pictures aren't they? There's one of Percy standing in the park on a misty day and it's just so evocative of a cool day! I'm enjoying these storytimes while I can :-).
Oh we love Percy , he has the best shed ever and as for Star Wars I think Milo knows just about evertything to do with it
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