I've just got round to transferring my recent photos from memory card to computer and discovered that between the 7th and the 13th of March I took
no photos at all! This is very unusual for me. I must have been feeling rough! In fact my cold didn't last long at all though I've a slightly sore throat that's lingering, but I've just been so tired - maybe a post-viral thing? It's the first time I've used the state of my memory card as an indicator of health! When I'm tired and feeling a bit below par (odd phrase - surely below par is
good?) I just don't notice things as much and when I don't notice things I don't photograph them.
Anyway here's something I saw on Saturday which I did notice and made me chuckle - here's where we find out if anybody has the same sense of humour as me:

It was in the loos at a local sports centre where Miss Mouse was attending a birthday party. This was the
second party she'd been to that day - I'm not doing that again, she was hyped up and I had a thumping headache..
Should it just be my sense of humour and you're scratching your head, it's the 'entirely male' bit which makes me laugh - maybe I've spent too much time on a farm! The poor writer probably spent ages trying to compose that to get the meaning across clearly, and here I am sniggering!
Yesterday was of course Mother's Day (Mothers' Day?) - here anyway. And according to
Wikipedia also in Ireland, Nigeria and Bangladesh, though in true Wikipedia fashion it contradicts itself regarding Bangladesh further down the page. And having previously never wondered when, or indeed if, Mother's Day is celebrated in Bangladesh now I
must know. Google seems to think it's in early May. Right. I'm glad that's sorted.
But back to Mother's Day here. Like
Mother of Purl I'm not usually really bothered about Mother's Day, but yesterday I was truly pampered and it was lovely. And it's occurred to me that as I don't bother much with my birthday (it's my son's birthday too and since his birth I've always thought of it as his birthday first and foremost*) it was actually really lovely to have a day that was about
me. The kids had made cards at school, the Boy and My Beloved had gone shopping while Miss Mouse and I were out birthday-partying the day before and got me flowers and chocolates, and I was given a cooked breakfast in bed (by the Boy with Daddy's help).

Then they all went out! The kids were going out with their grandma, My Beloved was off on a ride-out (motorbike trip with like-minded nutters) and as the sun was shining the cats scarpered too. So I did two loads of washing, a supermarket shop and some gardening. Hmm.
But it was bliss - I was only doing things I felt like doing. It was sunny so I wanted to hang washing out for the first time this year, so the washing, though needing doing anyway, was no chore. The gardening was just pottering around, doing minor pruning and weeding and enjoying being outside in the sunshine. Granted the supermarket shop was a bit of a necessity but apart from the usual 'bread, milk, stuff for packed lunches' I decided to get the various things I needed for roast chicken, my favourite dinner, as a treat to myself. It turns out my Beloved had the same idea - he shopped on the way home and we will be eating chicken for a fortnight at this rate! Here's the little cat pretending she's just idly stretching a leg or two while I eat my dinner (and read):

She was doing the Bambi eyes too a moment earlier but got self-conscious when I switched the camera on.
So I'm a late convert to the whole Mother's Day thing - in a low-key sort of way of course.
Today is Making Monday but my only plan so far is to make a cup of coffee then, taking advantage of being a housewife, go back to bed for a nap to try to catch up on some sleep after a rather fractured night - my Beloved feeling sick, Miss Mouse having a nightmare, cats convinced it's morning and TIME TO BE FED!
*yawn* Normal service to be resumed sooner or later.
* He absolutely loves that we share a birthday!