Friday, 4 December 2020

Stuff & nonsense

Didn't manage any knitting so no sock progress, but I fixed the wonky drawer in the bedroom so I can actually extract some socks without having to jam my hand in and and grope for them (it's like a Bushtucker Trial minus the creepy-crawlies), so big success!

I'm watching the I'm A Celebrity final with Miss M so that'll be my last gratuitous  bugs'n'critters mention of the year... I've loved it this year - it's been the best kind of escapism in a rubbish year!   (It's just finished, won't spoiler it, but lovely ending).  

I can't think of anything else to write about now. Ooh! Yes! I've been reading up a lot on clothing history recently - it's something I've been interested in since I was quite young, though with the emphasis on history since I have zero interest in modern fashion. Apart from reading a lot I've been watching YouTube videos by various historical costume enthusiasts, Living History types, and so on, and yesterday I watched a most excellent video discussing the attention to detail and authenticity in.... A Muppet Christmas Carol! Now I love that film anyway, but I'd never really noticed the costumes and they're amazing. Link to the YouTube thing here - actually,  no there isn't as I can't figure it out and my mobile is almost out of charge so I'll add it tomorrow. In the meantime the YouTuber is Abby Cox and the video is called something like 'The costume designers for A Muppet Christmas Carol deserve an Oscar'. I will never sing along to the mice in the wall again ('no cheeses for us meeces') without admiring their costumes!

Good night! 

(Edit two days later - still failing with that link. Will add it sometime!)
(next edit - the link!)

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