Monday 4 February 2013

Winter colour: green

I feel the need for a bit of winter colour. Yes, the dreaded January has passed (yay!) and surprisingly quickly too, but I'm craving colour so I thought I'd have a winter colour week and find some brightness. Today I'm going for green, mainly because I've just got this gorgeous green laundry basket .

I've spent way too much time admiring this laundry basket. I like to think it's not that I have no life, it's that I can appreciate beauty in the mundane. When the sun comes out anyway.

The boy-cat likes it too. Although mostly he was sitting in it because it was by the back door and he wanted to go out. Alas the weather is not cat-friendly today. It's doing every kind of horrible in short bursts (rain, icy-rain, sleet, hail, snow, all with a side of wind), interspersed with patches of blue sky and sunlight just to keep us on our toes. To say that the cats are confused is an understatement. They have been out but they didn't stay out for long.

My hyacinth is flowering on the kitchen windowsill. I know a lot of people don't like hyacinths because of their smell but I quite like the sharpness of it.  I like the smell of daffodils too which are also sharp though not quite nose-puckeringly this sharp.

Daffs:lime::hyacinths:lemon  - that's right isn't it? Something like that anyway. Daffs are to limes as hyacinths are to lemons, if you follow me.

I also really like the foliage - the way the leaves wrap around the stalks and their texture, the rich colour and the way the sunlight shines through them.

Looks quite springlike really. As does my current knitting:

It's so greeeeeeeeeen! Actually it's my yellow Project Rainbow stripey thing but I'm doing green contrast stripes at the moment and the wool is so lusciously green it makes me happy.

Tomorrow's colour will be, oh I dunno, yellow I think.


Mrs. Micawber said...

That IS a gorgeous laundry basket. Pretty much the same colour as our (dirty-laundry) hamper, which is really a painted metal tub with handles. And I love to stare at it. :)

Are there really people who don't like the smell of hyacinths?

Peeriemoot said...

I know some people hate the smell of hyacinths (or are like my dad, they make him sneeze). Maybe it's like Marmite, you love it or hate it.

I love the laundry basket too. I went and bought another in fact. I keep staring at them when the sun shines on them and the cutout shapes make the shadows interesting :-D.